FTN13: FutoIn Secure Vault
Version: 0.DV2
Date: 2018-01-15
Copyright: 2014-2018 FutoIn Project (http://futoin.org)
Authors: Andrey Galkin

1. Intro

It is not a new concept, but standardization of higher level interface for Host Security Modules and similar pure software or hardware components.

The main idea is that critical sensitive data is accessible only to a small peace of software/hardware effectively limiting scope of source code, hardware design and/or infrastructure required to be audited for security issues in first place. Most flaws in other software parts of larger project should have less impact on sensitive data disclosure.

Critical sensitive data: private or shared cryptography secrets, keys for tokenization of data, etc.

2. Concept

Secure Vault (SV) is assumed to be a FutoIn service with the following characteristics:

  1. Sensitive data must never get exposed outside of service in unencrypted form.
  2. All sensitive data stored externally must be encrypted and decrypted inside the SV itself.
  3. There must be a small enough secret to unlock the rest of data. Management of such secret is out of scope and should be a secret by nature.
  4. Two different SV instances may share one or more common secrets used for authentication and encryption.
  5. Security and durability of SV is out of scope. SV can be implemented both as regular application vulnerable to many types of local system attacks or as a firmware for hardware security module.

2.1. Secret key management

The following features are required:

  1. Generation & storage of any supported key type internally.
  2. Clear separation of private and shared keys purpose (not depending on type).
  3. Exposure of shared keys as:
  4. Injection of keys using the same format as for exposure.
  5. Persistent and temporary derived key operations.

2.2. Data operations

  1. Encryption of any arbitrary data with any of stored keys.
  2. Decryption of previously encrypted data.
  3. Data signing.
  4. Signature verification.

2.3. Supported keys & ciphers

Each implementation may choose to support any subset of all availables types.

2.4. Naming

The specifications tries to cover only commonly used algorithms, but actual implementation may add custom constants.

Specification intentionally does not list specific types to be as generic as possible.

Suggested list, self-explanatory:

2.5. Key usage constraints

SV must obey key constraints:

2.6. Statistics collection

SV must collect key usage statistics as a hint to regenerate keys and/or block possible attacks.

2.7. External key ID

Any key is created for some purpose. So, external ID is mandatory and can be used implementation-defined way to recover from errors like timeouts without unused key artifacts hanging in SV.

2.8. Additional encryption & decryption parameters

Initialization Vector (IV) is required for most cases of data encryption. There is known flexibility with padding strategy. Authentication tag passing is required for authenticated data decryption.

As it's very easy to mess up and this spec also definitely has some flaws, the spec tries to minimize user's decision making on encryption.

General strategy:

  1. Control generation of IV in cluster environment - random data.
  2. Control re-use of IV based on:
  3. Pack all parts in predefined format.
  4. Use common PKCS#5/PKCS#7 padding unless fundamental issues are found.
  5. In general, authentication is achieved through overall FutoIn message MAC.

2.9. Key data formats

Implementation should use the following defaults for key transport representation.

3. Interface

3.1. Common types

    "iface" : "futoin.secvault.types",
    "version" : "{ver}",
    "ftn3rev" : "1.9",
    "imports" : [
    "types" : {
        "KeyID" : "UUIDB64",
        "ExtID" : {
            "type" : "string",
            "minlen" : 1,
            "maxlen" : 128
        "KeyType" : {
            "type" : "GenericIdentifier",
            "minlen" : 1,
            "maxlen" : 32
        "KeyUsage" : {
            "type" : "set",
            "items" : [
        "GenParams" : [
        "KeyInfo" : {
            "type" : "map",
            "fields" : {
                "id" : "KeyID",
                "ext_id" : "ExtID",
                "usage" : "KeyUsage",
                "type" : "KeyType",
                "params" : "GenParams",
                "created" : "Timestamp",
                "used_times" : "NotNegativeInteger",
                "used_bytes" : "NotNegativeInteger",
                "sig_failures" : "NotNegativeInteger"
        "KeyIDList" : {
            "type" : "array",
            "elemtype" : "KeyID"
        "RawData" : {
            "type" : "data",
            "maxlen" : 1048576
        "KeyData" : {
            "type" : "data",
            "maxlen" : 16384
        "PublicKeyData" : {
            "type" : "data",
            "maxlen" : 16384
        "PublicKey" : {
            "type" : "map",
            "fields": {
                "key_type" : "KeyType",
                "data" : "PublicKeyData"
        "HashType" : {
            "type" : "string",
            "regex" : "^[a-Z0-9][a-Z0-9-]*[a-Z0-9]$",
            "maxlen" : 16
        "CipherMode" : {
            "type" : "enum",
            "items" : [
        "KeyDerivationFunction" : "KeyType",
        "InitializationVector" : {
            "type" : "data",
            "maxlen" : 128,
            "desc" : "Most ciphers accept only block size, e.g. 16 bytes"
    "requires" : [

3.2. Key management

    "iface" : "futoin.secvault.keys",
    "version" : "{ver}",
    "ftn3rev" : "1.9",
    "imports" : [
    "funcs" : {
        "unlock" : {
            "params" : {
                "secret" : "KeyData"
            "result" : "boolean",
            "throws" : [
        "lock" : {
            "result" : "boolean"
        "generateKey" : {
            "params" : {
                "ext_id" : "ExtID",
                "usage" : "KeyUsage",
                "key_type" : "KeyType",
                "gen_params" : "GenParams"
            "result" : "KeyID",
            "throws" : [
        "injectKey" : {
            "params" : {
                "ext_id" : "ExtID",
                "usage" : "KeyUsage",
                "key_type" : "KeyType",
                "gen_params" : "GenParams",
                "data" : "KeyData"
            "result" : "KeyID",
            "throws" : [
        "injectEncryptedKey" : {
            "params" : {
                "ext_id" : "ExtID",
                "usage" : "KeyUsage",
                "key_type" : "KeyType",
                "gen_params" : "GenParams",
                "data" : "KeyData",
                "enc_key" : "KeyID",
                "mode" : "CipherMode"
            "result" : "KeyID",
            "throws" : [
        "deriveKey" : {
            "params" : {
                "ext_id" : "ExtID",
                "usage" : "KeyUsage",
                "key_type" : "KeyType",
                "gen_params" : "GenParams",
                "base_key" : "KeyID",
                "kdf" : "KeyDerivationFunction",
                "hash" : "HashType",
                "salt" : "KeyData",
                "other" : "map"
            "result" : "KeyData",
            "throws" : [
        "wipeKey" : {
            "params" : {
                "id" : "KeyID"
            "result" : "boolean"
        "exposeKey" : {
            "params" : {
                "id" : "KeyID"
            "result" : "KeyData",
            "throws" : [
        "encryptedKey" : {
            "params" : {
                "id" : "KeyID",
                "enc_key" : "KeyID",
                "mode" : "CipherMode"
            "result" : "KeyData",
            "throws" : [
        "pubEncryptedKey" : {
            "params" : {
                "id" : "KeyID",
                "pubkey" : "PublicKey",
                "key_type" : "KeyType"
            "result" : "KeyData",
            "throws" : [
        "publicKey" : {
            "params" : {
                "id" : "KeyID"
            "result" : "KeyData",
            "throws" : [
        "keyInfo" : {
            "params" : {
                "id" : "KeyID"
            "result" : "KeyInfo",
            "throws" : [
        "listKeys" : {
            "result" : "KeyIDList"
    "requires" : [

3.3. Data operations

    "iface" : "futoin.secvault.data",
    "version" : "{ver}",
    "ftn3rev" : "1.9",
    "imports" : [
    "funcs" : {
        "encrypt" : {
            "params" : {
                "id" : "KeyID",
                "data" : "RawData",
                "mode" : "CipherMode",
                "iv" : {
                    "type" : "InitializationVector",
                    "default" : null
                "aad" : {
                    "type" : "RawData",
                    "default" : null
            "result" : "RawData",
            "throws" : [
            "maxreqsize" : "1100K",
            "maxrspsize" : "1100K"
        "decrypt" : {
            "params" : {
                "id" : "KeyID",
                "data" : "RawData",
                "mode" : "CipherMode",
                "aad" : {
                    "type" : "RawData",
                    "default" : null
            "result" : "RawData",
            "throws" : [
            "maxreqsize" : "1100K",
            "maxrspsize" : "1100K"
        "sign" : {
            "params" : {
                "id" : "KeyID",
                "data" : "RawData",
                "hash" : "HashType"
            "result" : "RawData",
            "throws" : [
            "maxreqsize" : "1100K"
        "verify" : {
            "params" : {
                "id" : "KeyID",
                "data" : "RawData",
                "sig" : "RawData",
                "hash" : "HashType"
            "result" : "boolean",
            "throws" : [
            "maxreqsize" : "1100K"
    "requires" : [