FTN19.2: FutoIn Interface - Transaction Engine - Limits
Version: 1.0DV
Date: 2017-12-24
Copyright: 2017 FutoIn Project (http://futoin.org)
Authors: Andrey Galkin


1. Intro

This is sub-specification of main FTN19: Transaction Engine.

2. Concept (Limits)

Limits are important to minimize consequences of potential design & software issues, to comply with AML/CTF requirements and to protect against risks of unreliable personnel and partners.

Any action in system must have reasonable limits. Some limits may be used to trigger additional checks and/or blocking risk analysis.

Periods are accounted per calendar with operator configured timezone. Per account holder limits are accounted in base currency.

Note: risk assessment must be done for all activity even if limits are not hit, but that should be done asynchronously.

2.1. Limit groups

It's not feasible to configure most limits individually as it may eventually lead to configuration errors. It would also make limits practically unmanageable. Therefore, only a small number of limit groups (sets) should be present.

Each account holder must be associated with one of the global limit groups.

2.2. Limit domains

Transaction engine assumes different domains of operations. Each domain has quite specific limit requirements.

General naming convention:

Continuous accounting must be present based on the following criteria per account holder.

  1. Retail - purchase of goods and services
  2. Deposits - in/out transfers of own money
  3. Payments - transfers to other users
  4. Gaming - in-game activity
  5. Misc - not fitting other domains
  6. Personnel - limits of operations done by specific employee

2.3. Limit types:

2.3.1. Per account limits

Such limit is set per single account in currency of the account.

  1. Overdraft - negative balance limit set by system

2.3.2. Account holder limits

These are personal user limits which user configures based on own will. Such limits are bound by system limits and act as threshold value.

  1. Extended verification - requires system to get implementation-defined additional confirmation of user activity. For example, input of Two-Factor Authentication code.
  2. Soft limits - user configured restrictions

2.3.3. Group system limits

  1. Hard limits
  2. Synchronous risk assessment
  3. Extended confirmation

2.4. Events

3. Interface (Limits)

Internal API for limits configuration & processing.

        "iface" : "futoin.xfer.limits",
        "version" : "{ver}",
        "ftn3rev" : "1.7",
        "imports" : [
        "types" : {
            "OptionalLimitValues" : [ "LimitValues", "boolean" ],
            "LimitGroups" : {
                "type" : "array",
                "elemtype" : "LimitGroup"
            "RetailLimitValues" : {
                "type" : "LimitValues",
                "fields" : {
                    "retail_daily_amt" : "LimitAmount",
                    "retail_daily_cnt" : "LimitCount",
                    "retail_weekly_amt" : "LimitAmount",
                    "retail_weekly_cnt" : "LimitCount",
                    "retail_monthly_amt" : "LimitAmount",
                    "retail_monthly_cnt" : "LimitCount",
                    "retail_min_amt" : "LimitAmount",
                    "preauth_daily_amt" : "LimitAmount",
                    "preauth_daily_cnt" : "LimitCount",
                    "preauth_weekly_amt" : "LimitAmount",
                    "preauth_weekly_cnt" : "LimitCount",
                    "preauth_monthly_amt" : "LimitAmount",
                    "preauth_monthly_cnt" : "LimitCount",
                    "preauth_min_amt" : "LimitAmount"
            "DepositsLimitValues" : {
                "type" : "LimitValues",
                "fields" : {
                    "deposit_daily_amt" : "LimitAmount",
                    "deposit_daily_cnt" : "LimitCount",
                    "withdrawal_daily_amt" : "LimitAmount",
                    "withdrawal_daily_cnt" : "LimitCount",
                    "deposit_weekly_amt" : "LimitAmount",
                    "deposit_weekly_cnt" : "LimitCount",
                    "withdrawal_weekly_amt" : "LimitAmount",
                    "withdrawal_weekly_cnt" : "LimitCount",
                    "deposit_monthly_amt" : "LimitAmount",
                    "deposit_monthly_cnt" : "LimitCount",
                    "withdrawal_monthly_amt" : "LimitAmount",
                    "withdrawal_monthly_cnt" : "LimitCount",
                    "deposit_min_amt" : "LimitAmount",
                    "withdrawal_min_amt" : "LimitAmount"
            "PaymentsLimitValues" : {
                "type" : "LimitValues",
                "fields" : {
                    "outbound_daily_amt" : "LimitAmount",
                    "outbound_daily_cnt" : "LimitCount",
                    "inbound_daily_amt" : "LimitAmount",
                    "inbound_daily_cnt" : "LimitCount",
                    "outbound_weekly_amt" : "LimitAmount",
                    "outbound_weekly_cnt" : "LimitCount",
                    "inbound_weekly_amt" : "LimitAmount",
                    "inbound_weekly_cnt" : "LimitCount",
                    "outbound_monthly_amt" : "LimitAmount",
                    "outbound_monthly_cnt" : "LimitCount",
                    "inbound_monthly_amt" : "LimitAmount",
                    "inbound_monthly_cnt" : "LimitCount",
                    "outbound_min_amt" : "LimitAmount"
            "GamingLimitValues" : {
                "type" : "LimitValues",
                "fields" : {
                    "bet_daily_amt" : "LimitAmount",
                    "bet_daily_cnt" : "LimitCount",
                    "win_daily_amt" : "LimitAmount",
                    "win_daily_cnt" : "LimitCount",
                    "profit_daily_amt" : "LimitAmount",
                    "bet_weekly_amt" : "LimitAmount",
                    "bet_weekly_cnt" : "LimitCount",
                    "win_weekly_amt" : "LimitAmount",
                    "win_weekly_cnt" : "LimitCount",
                    "profit_weekly_amt" : "LimitAmount",
                    "bet_monthly_amt" : "LimitAmount",
                    "bet_monthly_cnt" : "LimitCount",
                    "win_monthly_amt" : "LimitAmount",
                    "win_monthly_cnt" : "LimitCount",
                    "profit_monthly_amt" : "LimitAmount",
                    "bet_min_amt" : "LimitAmount"
            "MiscLimitValues" : {
                "type" : "LimitValues",
                "fields" : {
                    "message_daily_cnt" : "LimitCount",
                    "failure_daily_cnt" : "LimitCount",
                    "limithit_daily_cnt" : "LimitCount",
                    "message_weekly_cnt" : "LimitCount",
                    "failure_weekly_cnt" : "LimitCount",
                    "limithit_weekly_cnt" : "LimitCount",
                    "message_monthly_cnt" : "LimitCount",
                    "failure_monthly_cnt" : "LimitCount",
                    "limithit_monthly_cnt" : "LimitCount"
            "PersonnelLimitValues" : {
                "type" : "LimitValues",
                "fields" : {
                    "message_daily_cnt" : "LimitCount",
                    "manual_daily_amt" : "LimitAmount",
                    "manual_daily_cnt" : "LimitCount",
                    "message_weekly_cnt" : "LimitCount",
                    "manual_weekly_amt" : "LimitAmount",
                    "manual_weekly_cnt" : "LimitCount",
                    "message_monthly_cnt" : "LimitCount",
                    "manual_monthly_amt" : "LimitAmount",
                    "manual_monthly_cnt" : "LimitCount"
        "funcs" : {
            "setLimits" : {
                "params" : {
                    "group" : "LimitGroup",
                    "domain" : "LimitDomain",
                    "currency" : "CurrencyCode",
                    "hard" : "LimitValues",
                    "check" : "OptionalLimitValues",
                    "risk" : "OptionalLimitValues"
                "result" : "boolean",
                "throws" : [
            "getLimits" : {
                "params" : {
                    "group" : "LimitGroup",
                    "domain" : "LimitDomain"
                "result" : {
                    "currency" : "CurrencyCode",
                    "hard" : "LimitValues",
                    "check" : "OptionalLimitValues",
                    "risk" : "OptionalLimitValues"
                "throws" : [
            "addLimitGroup" : {
                "params" : {
                    "group" : "LimitGroup"
                "result" : "boolean",
                "throws" : [
            "getLimitGroups" : {
                "result" : "LimitGroups"
        "requires" : [ "SecureChannel" ]