FTN8.8: FutoIn Security Concept - QA requirements
Version: 0.4DV
Date: 2018-01-05
Copyright: 2014-2018 FutoIn Project (http://futoin.org)
Authors: Andrey Galkin


1. Intro

This sub-specification of FTN8 covers Quality Assurance requirements/test cases in scope of FTN8.

As authentication & authorization is one of fundamental aspects of whole FutoIn project, it is very important to explicitely list all essential test cases.

2. Concept

QA requirements are split into test suites under "Requirements" section. Each section is organized in paragraph - test case written in style of User or Job Story and starting from associative identifier.


{SCOPE}-{ID} - {story}


REQ-1 - The requirement must be short and simple, so it can be easily covered in single test case.

3. Requirements

3.1. Stateless clear text authentication

See FTN8.1.

Note: "STLCT" stays for STateLess Clear Text.


STLCT-A1 - STLCT authentication must be rejected, if it is not enabled in AuthService.

STLCT-A2 - STLCT authentication must be rejected, if User has no inidividual secret configured for specific Service.

STLCT-A3 - STLCT authentication must be rejected, if User is not found.

STLCT-A4 - STLCT authentication must be rejected, if User secret for specific Service mismatches.

STLCT-A5 - all STLCT rejections must have artificial delay to prevent time-based User existence exposure.


STLCT-E1 - Executor must send all available Client fingerprints to AuthService, so it can enforce additional constraint checks.

STLCT-E2 - local and global user ID must be set in RequestInfo on accepted authentication.

STLCT-E3 - "Info" security level must be set in RequestInfo on accepted authentication.

3.2. Stateless MAC authentication

See FTN8.1.

Note: "STLMC" stays for Stateless Message athentication Code.


STLMC-A1 - STLMC authentication must be rejected, if it is not enabled in AuthService.

STLMC-A2 - STLMC authentication must be rejected, if User has no inidividual secret configured for specific Service.

STLMC-A3 - STLMC authentication must be rejected, if User is not found.

STLMC-A4 - STLMC authentication must be rejected, if MAC of request message mismatches.

STLMC-A5 - all STLMC rejections must have artificial delay to prevent time-based User existence exposure.


STLMC-E1 - Executor must send all available Client fingerprints to AuthService, so it can enforce additional constraint checks.

STLMC-E2 - local and global user ID must be set in RequestInfo on accepted authetnication.

STLMC-E3 - "SafeOps" security level must be set in RequestInfo on accepted authentication.

3.3. Master Secret authentication

See FTN8.2.

Note: MSMAC states for Master Secret Message Authentication Code.


MSMAC-I1 - a new secure public/private key pair must get generated before every new Secret exchange.

MSMAC-I2 - Invoker must always use peer GlobalServiceID as HKDF0 salt parameter.

MSMAC-I3 - Invoker must always use HKDF0-MAC strategy for message signing.

MSMAC-I4 - Invoker must always use HKDF0-EXPOSED strategy for payload signing in untrusted delivery channel.

MSMAC-I5 - Invoker must always use a new HKDF-ENC strategy salt parameter for encryption of any data.


MSMAC-E1 - Executor must send all available Client fingerprints to AuthService, so it can enforce additional constraint checks.

MSMAC-E2 - Executor must re-retrieve derived key from AuthService on Client fingerprints change, if local key caching is used.

MSMAC-E3 - Executor must use the same derived key for signing of response as used for signing of the related request.


MSMAC-A1 - AuthService must ensure that HKDF0 salt parameter matches GlobalServiceID of validating Service to protect from easy key leaks.

MSMAC-A2 - AuthService may cache derived keys only after successfull authentication of message to protect from DoS using wrong salt cache.

MSMAC-A3 - shared Secret must use random source of acceptable quality for cryptographic purposes.

MSMAC-A4 - AuthService must allow up to two active Secrets per Service per Scope to allow smooth new Secret rollout without interruptions.

MSMAC-A5 - AuthService must leave exactly the Secret used for signing the exchange message as the old active key even when a newer one exists to protected for errors during response of the exchange processing.

MSMAC-A6 - "PrivilegedOps" security level must be set in RequestInfo on accepted authentication.

MSMAC-A7 - AuthService must expose derived key to Service only after related authentication of data using the derived key to prevent easy key leaks.

MSMAC-A8 - AuthService must allow new key exchange only when signing key is derived from Master Secret with empty of the same scope as requested for exchange.

3.4. Client authentication

See FTN8.3.

Note: CLCSA states for CLient Cookie Session Authentication.


CLCSA-S1 - Service must undoubtedly associate request with session cookie.

CLCSA-S2 - Service must forbid cross-domain requests based on HTTP 'Referal' header whitelist, if applicable.

CLCSA-S3 - Service should forbid CORS requests with credentials.

CLCSA-S4 - Service must set session as "HTTP-only" to avoid API exposure.

CLCSA-S5 - Service must sign & verify set cookies with private secret to mitigate proxied AuthService DoS with forged sessions.

CLCSA-S6 - Service must limit cookie time-to-live based on signed timestamp embedded in cookie value.

CLCSA-S7 - Executor must send all available Client fingerprints to AuthService, so it can enforce additional constraint checks during session start/sesson resume.

CLCSA-S8 - Executor must start a new session after successfull Auth Query.

CLCSA-S9 - Executor must resume session with AuthService every 10 minutes or more often while session is actively used.

CLCSA-S10 - Executor must force session resume with AuthService on every Client fingerprints change.

CLCSA-S11 - Executor must check signature of all incoming redirects.

CLCSA-S12 - Executor must create "EXPOSED" signature of all outcoming redirects.


CLCSA-C1 - Client should support HTTP-only cookies.

CLCSA-C2 - Client should obey CORS.


CLCSA-A1 - AuthService must check signature of all incoming redirects.

CLCSA-A2 - AuthService must create "EXPOSED" signature of all outcoming redirects.

CLCSA-A3 - AuthService should support multi-factor authentication for Users.

CLCSA-A4 - AuthService must ensure that Auth Query belongs to requesting Service.

CLCSA-A5 - AuthService must ensure that session-related tokens are associated to requesting Service.

CLCSA-A6 - AuthService must ask User based on Auth Query request, if requested access has not been granted before.

CLCSA-A7 - AuthService should skip asking User based on Auth Query request, if requested access has been granted before.

3.5. Access Control

See FTN8.4.


AC-S1 - Service must check if User granted on-behalf-of call access to other User(Service).

AC-S2 - Service must process on-behalf-of calls as if called by target User.

AC-S3 - Service must check if User is allowed to make particular request.

AC-S4 - Service must properly invalidate local cache.


AC-A1 - AuthService should merge multiple ACDs so wider access eliminates more specialized.

AC-A2 - AuthService should merge multiple ACDs so different parameter whitelist get properly merged into a single whitelist of unique values.

AC-A3 - AuthService must properly emit events on access changes, so listening Services could invalidate own caches.

3.6. Authentication rejection limits